Thursday 16 August 2012

Ideas from Me! =)

Hey Fellow Woozens!
So recently I've seen Lovelys post about contests and maybe some ideas to make this blog better. So,I've great ideas and contests but I just need your opinion! So rate this post from boring,awesome or ok ! So my ideas are:
  • Star of the Week and Couple of the Week!(But send the crew a message of the nominee that you would like to add on the competition)
  • Woozens (That's all of you!) could e-mail us for questions and the crew could answer them and post your question on the blog for everyone to see if they have the same problem as you! For example : How could you earn some wooz?
  • And maybe some fashion advice from someone in the crew! 
And for the contest since it's Pj week on Woozworld.. The best unitz for a Pj Party! But it has to have all the exclusive stuff! Like sleeping bag and scary movies XD !! But since I haven't got the approvement of Lovely we don't really know if we can do the contest!

So those are all the ideas ! Don't forget to rate the ideas!! And also rate for the contest if you would all love to do that contest!!
Till next time! =)

1 comment:

  1. Great! Woozens, please rate it in "Reactions", boring, awesome or OK. I think this deserves a response! I'll start a fashion thing, but I could get help for ya'll C:


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