Tuesday 14 August 2012

Interview with... NeeChee001!

C; Hiya Wooooooooooooooooooozens! XD XD XD

Today I had a nice interview over PC at Jenny's Discussionz, with NeeChee001. I'll tell ya'll what happened later XD Now lets move on and read da interview ;) The first interview of my birthday month: AUGUST!! XD

1. How did you find out about Woozworld?
  Ok...I was bored one day and I was searching random stuff on the internet. And it popped up and I tried it :)
2. Whats the best thing about Woozworld?
  Defiantly being able to have your own style XD
3. If you got to meet any woozen in real, who would it be? (Not including mods or Woozband)
  Haha maxi-gem, she's epic
4. Who's your fave animator?
  Stylaz deffo. We defiantly got on very well, I miss her so much :'(
5. What do you think about ShamWooz?
  Haha, I have to say, he has style and he knows what he wants lol. Slightly annoying, but kinda cool :PP

Soo...that's it! C: Hope ya'll enjoyed it XD And ty again to NeeChee01 ! I had fun interviewing you XD

See ya'll later ;)
Lovely85 x

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