Saturday 22 September 2012

Interview with... chexyie! x3

Yo Yo Yo, Woozens! =P

Today I had a interview with chexyie. =) Here it is x3

1. How did you become popular?
 I became popular cuz of new outfit release from ww store and i sell it but idk im popular '.'
2. Whats the best thing about Woozworld?
 My friends :)
3. How did you find out about Woozworld?
 I was playing somethin' and it just pop out. and i got interested so i play it
4. If you got to change one thing about Woozworld, what would it be?
 Nothing :)
5. Whats the best thing about WoozIn?
 the wall XD
6. Do you like Preztige, and if you do, whats the best thing about it?
  Yes I love it. Hmmm when you get to level fifty, u can get beex and u can buy cute furniture

Ty for reading XDD Hope ya'll liked it! And thanks che for letting me interview ya C;
Lovely85 xox

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