Friday 7 September 2012

Interview with... Narwal!


Lol, sorry about caps ;) But it looks better somehow XD And btw, REALLY REALLY sorry about not posting. School starts, and as you've read my post, its been a total buzz. Homework has already started!

Today I had a interview with Narwal on PC. Here it is :)!

1. What is the best thing about Preztige?
 Hm...honestly, probably the untiz. They're pretty cool and also very fun to decorate

2. Whats a tip you could give about earning Preztige?
 I'd say its much easier to earn Preztige with the new mysteryz jobz. All you have to do is roll your mouse over them instead of clicking them. But also, make sure to use all your votes everyday

3. Who would you meet in real from Woozworld?
 Hm... I'd love to meet JayWooz, he seems like a really funny person xD lol

4. If you could change anything about new Woozworld, what would it be?
Hm... probably voting. I like preztige, but I hate how when your a VIP, you don't get wooz for voting 

5. Whats the best thing about WoozIn?  
 I just love being able to share my thoughts and being able to talk to my friends easily, plus its very easy to know what is going around the Woozworld comminity

Well, thank you to Narwal, for letting me interview you! And also thanks to YOU, for reading! ;P
Catcha later! C:
Lovely85 xxx

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