Thursday 31 January 2013

Bored Breaking News XP

Hello Children :D I noticed mostly everyone was talking about the New Woozworld Updates and how cool it is. Well my Opinion is..Now your Mama has wierd thoughts so don't judge her or she will ground you..Mwahaha :DD So back to where we were.Now..I actually like the New Updates and here are why.

Well they didn't change anything, Just replaced were the litte gadgets were.
Whenever A woozen buy's somethinfg off you, You get the Money back.Whenever you buy A furniture from someone
's Unitz you can also get to buy the Unit.

So now U know my thoughts..Shush! Jk. But I just wish they get the Creativeness (Mispelled) back so we could buy things better..
So um.. Yeah I don't have much to talk about today so um yeah XP!

~Bored Daislove27 Signing Out- <3 <3 <3

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