Sunday 10 February 2013

Interview With... Srijo4321

Hola Ya'll! Today I had an interview with the awesome Srijo4321 XD Here it is, Enjoy! x)
Bold: Question (Lovely85)
Italic: Answer (Srijo4321)

1. When did you start playing Woozworld?
I started playing Woozworld about a year ago or so.

2. How did you find out about it (Woozworld)?
I was bored with Club Penguin, so I searched for some virtual worlds.

3. What's your most fave thing about Woozworld?
My friends, of course. And WoozIn, yes. None of the other games have this feature.

4. What's your most fave thing about WoozIn?
Everything! I spend almost all my time on there. WoozIn helps overcome my shyness. Lol. I'm shy on world.

5. Who's your favorite Woozband member?
Woozband, I like Max a lot. He's a gamer, aha x) I love gaming too.

Thanks for reading ya'll vieweres and ty to Sri for letting me interview you :P Au revoir! ~Lovely

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