Saturday 16 February 2013

Ok, Sorry!


Sorry to all those who emailed and got a super late reply. I've accepted some more people trial due to extra good forms x3 If you don't know how to post email me at or the Woozworld Stop email at

Also here's a new thing...
Woozworld Stop: Help Center
Woozen Name: *
Write your question: *
Try to explain it in as much detail as possible
Do you want to be shown on the blog as your woozen name or anonymous? *
 My woozen name 

So yeah :) So if you got a question or need help, fill out this form and will get back to you as quickly as possible! Because Woozworld isn't working, we'll post your advice reply on the blog, so at the end don't forget to tick 'Anonymous' or 'My woozen name' = Here's an example..

To: Anonymous
Question/Help needed: _(whatever your question is...)_

Advice: _(Our advice to you :))_

So that's all for now XD Cya ya'll!

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