Tuesday, 28 May 2013

New Look Guide

Hola TVWoozers! xD
Claire here and I'm like; SO SORRY, for not posting. My recital is coming up soon and I practice for like 7 hours a day =-= So yea today is my spare time to do stuff o.0 
Anyways, let's skip to the topic.
I know a lot of you woozens like to CHANGE your look. But sometimes, people don't know how, like the face, skin color, eyes and your color code. Well today, I'll give you some advice of a nice way to change your look. This is for girls only :P 

Ok, here's if you're going for cutie makeup.

You want to go white and have a cutie face? 
 Face 1:                      Face 2;

Neon blue eyes - FF    Green eyes-
Light pink Lipstick         
 - EDC7D2                 Red lipstick-
Here are some of the gorgeous colors of lipstick if you want a white skin color and cutie face. Never ever EVER use the pale/white skin, it doesn't suite for cutie. White lipstick also is not really good. Because it mostly suites people who are dark skinned, but not white. Try to go for dark colors. But light pink lipstick suites anyone. Examples for white cutie makeup colors are: Dark green, Dark blue, Light pink, Red, Raspberry, rose and ultra violet purple. But I think those 2 faces I showed you are the best, for me. 

You want to go tan and have a cutie face?
Face 1:                   Face 2:

Light blue eyes-      Turquoise eyes-
00DAE4                 08DEB2

Hot pink lipstick-     Peach lipstick-
FF69B4                  FC9A88

Those are the BEST makeup colors for tan skin. I suggest that you should NEVER use red eyes, unless you want to look like a VAMPIRE? o.0 And white lipstick is good too. Like I said in the first paragraph. And light blue and turquoise eyes are the most beautiful eye colors for tan. Because since you're tan; go for LIGHT colors. they bring out your colors since they stand out. Examples for tanned cutie makeup colors are: Hot pink, peach, white, silver, black and brown. And peach and pink are the BEST. 

Ok, so here's if you're going for innocent makeup.

You want to go white and have an innocent face?
Face 1:                   Face 2:
Dark blue eyes-      Light blue eyes-
003E77                  2C81CF

Light pink lipstick-   Light pink lip
EDC7D2                 stick-

Most people don't like innocent, because it's more like for 'babies' xP But I really love it, and it's my face right now. I don't think there's any other good colors for innocent, Just dark blue or light blue eyes. Espeically the light pink lipstick color. But white goes good if you want to have INNOCENT makeup with WHITE lipstick. But I never see anyone in innocent with a tan color o.0 '-' So yea, those are my choices and that's my advice.

Hope it helps! Need/ Want a new look?! Here it is! Thanks for reading :) And now I have to wash-up for my next class, I have art class every Wednesday. Anyways, thanks! Yet again, I'm Clairethetough x3 Have a nice day!

P.S.: Here's the song I'm addicted to right now... xP It's WEIRD.

It's what the advanced people in our recital are gonna act/dance out to.

Byee!! ~Luv yew and ciao <3~

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