Heya Oreos!! x3
It's moi, Clairey <3 Have you seen the new prom outfits? THEY ARE CUUTE. But I JUST can't say THAT. I like to review on the outfits FIRST. You know, give my honest opinions? So here are my reviews.
Glamz Prom Outfit For Her.
Hair: In my case? It's the most ugliest thing out of the WHOLE outfit. I hate the curls that just lay back and relax, and give the whole outfit a disgusting look. The earrings are weird looking with a snowflake. Did you notice? It's a very ugly... Its not winter people o-0
Dress: I AM TOTALLY IN LOOOVE with it! <3 I like the peach sparkly dress with the sky-angel blue crystal stones attached to it <3 But I think the veil was maybe TOO MUCH. Hey, I'm giving my honest OPINIONS :P
Shoes: Those heels are PURR-FECTION! ;) I like the glittery straps on them, and they are shaped like a butterfly. (The white straps)
Glamz Prom Outfit For Him.
Hair: Okay, so since I'm not a guy; I don't really know :I But I'll try my best. THOSE SPIKES AREEEEE CUTEEE!! xD Electric blue hair is fabu ;) and I GUESS the hairstyle could be better if the shades weren't there. Just in my case.
Top: It's really casual, I have nothing to say. But I love the sparkles! xD
Legs: TBH, (to be honest) They look like sweat pants '-' you know, for jogging. But, then again; AT LEAST they're kept casual.
Shoes: I think I like the shoes the best ROFL xD I like the tied laces and the little circles on the shoes.
So there you have it! My reviews on the prom outfits :D I'm not saying I'm the best critique, I am giving out my HONEST opinions. That's all for now! <3 x3 ^-^
~ Luv Yew and CIAOO!! ;)
What the heck Claire? The hair is beautiful <3 WRONG IDEA. Meanie D: