Friday 2 August 2013

Wooz News

More drama in the Woozen Quests Unitz. There were a ton of peeps there in queue, watching the show since they were probably bored. :/ Glitz7 was acting like she usually acts. To me, (that means that this is my OPINION) all the rich peeps are very stuck up and snobby..Well, except demitra11 and haikupixie... Plus Poor Glitzy has to make a show of everything. The Ultimate Show-Off is an awesome title for her. T.T
 click on the pics to zoom in

Glitz7 said spy-island was the nicest woozguidez ever. Some of the woozens said he was not.. Then Glitz7, spy, and another woozen being triplets. XD  I don't understand what is happening. Glitz7 told the woozens : stop being mean to spy he is nice ty." And no one was being mean most of the peeps were on brb. Anyways, I hope this made sense..ty 

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