Saturday 9 February 2013

Daisy's 2Update! Hacker On Losses Woozens!!

Hey Stoppers x3 I just got a big FAT F- on my test D: My mom is like angry at me..! So I probably won't be posting for like 2days. I won't be running for WoozCars..again. Well its not because I dislike it, Its just that only all the popular people win, Its kinda iratating .-. Probably Ems37 might win for like the Video thing because she makes amazing videos! But its just..Yeah. I hope you guys understand. Hmm.. I don't have anything to post about.. Oh yah! Remeber DD the hacker! Well if you don't then you might see his Unitz on hot now. Well hes back alright! Okay so I don't understand this but..Why do the Woozband wanna ban him? He bought a lot of Generatorz and let Woozens click them, Isn't that the point! Thou hes not even a hacker! So what's going on!? Maybe this is a Secret Mystery that the Animators are trying to set up? Maybe its true? Maybe its a lie? Maybe he IS a hacker!? Well we bett Crack The Code! And find out because Woozens are confused! So be the amazing Dective you are and Crack THE Code!!

~SuperSluth Daisylove27 Signing Out™~

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