Saturday 9 February 2013

Improvments x3

Hello my amazing babies Cx I am so pumped up because I'm gonna tryt to improve this cool blog.
Okay so first I'm gonna try to get the whole Crew to blog more often because I srsly want you guys to read more xD Mwaha so EVIL xD Second............ 
I'm also gonna try to get the whole Crew on ChatRoll so if you have any Questions we can answer them right away so you don't have to wait..! TickTok..!
Third of all.. I promised my Ma that if I promise her that I do all my chores and homework and get better grades that I get to keep blogging and she said 'Yes' so we have a deal and I'll post more and stop lagging. Fourth I'm going to start doing 'VideoBlog' and its like I do my blogging on a video and edit it with effects so my posts are beter and cooler Cx
Lala.. E-mail me at ( for any Suggestions on what this Blog should try improving on (: I'll post tommorow afternoon around 12:00PM because I got Church x3 Amen x3 And plus I'm doing quier music infront of over 30 People :O I don't realling sing infront of that MUCH people..! But I'll do it for Christ x3 Wish me luck babies XD

~Daisylove27~ <3 Nighty Night Children <3

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