Friday 15 February 2013

Interesting Updats..x3

Helo Children..x3 Mama Daisy here & I'm gonna talk about yesterday..As prety much everyone lost thier friends and relashionships,Woozworld lost data connection :O I'm deleting all the ppl I dont talk to and only save my bff's and cousins,sisters and my brother.As you know yesterday was 'Valentines Day' <3 
And all my girls lost thier boyfriends and were like sad and then there was me..One Less Lonely Girl. Loll.But something that was very strange was when everyone lost thier friends..I only had the friends I added a long time ago so my 'Hot Friends' was full!!So yesterday wasn't SO fun, But I got some of my besties back ;D Woo!! Okie since my Tablet won't let me post pictures for my story on here I'm gonna be doing it without any pictures D; Srry for everyone who entered to let me put thier pictures up. Srry '-'! Here are some posts I'm gonna do today (Story,Fashion Tips,Makeup Tips,Color Codes & More) I'm so pumped up for those posts I'm gonna do! Especially the 'Fashion-Tips because I'm all about the 'Style!' Byee ;)!

Sorry my post is pretty short. I gotta clean my closet and go shopping for the Make-Up and Fashion-Tips post ;D!

-Mama Daisy Signing Off- <3 Kisses <3

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