Friday 15 February 2013

Little updates

Mina here with some updates x3-
1. Woozworld may have been hacked, no one knows. They lost our data so now everything is back to seven months ago. If you made an account within seven moths then all your friends will be gone :/ As a sorry gift, we get to use free gift generators in the following places :

Woozworld Plaza
I VibeCentral 1
Woozen's Quest unitz
Mya's Late Night Show
Social Internet Cafe
I VibeCentral 2

Mya apologised for the mishap x3

Hey Woozens! We've had some data loss and you may notice some relationships or friends are missing. We are all really sorry about this and can only encourage you to get your friends back! Relationships will be 1 Wooz for a week because of the loss. You will also see some Gift Generators in Woozworld System Unitz, think of this as a sorry gift! Because of all the down time, we are also going to give you a special gift, more details tomorrow! We are all really sorry and hope to see you soon!

2. Video challenge theme
Happy Valentine's Day Woozens!. To extend one of my favorite days of the year, I've decided to make a love-themed Video Challenge. Show me your favorite (or not XD)love story in a one minute video and submit it by next Thursday to the WoozNews HQ. Remember, no shots of real life! Good luck XD
- sorry about the Pictures, they're a bit messed up- 

3. First On hot now is the Woozcarz Unitz

4. Mya added a new outfit to her Style Watch

- So that's it my lovelies x3

1 comment:

  1. How do we become a blogger here? I would like to be a blogger on trial.


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